Saturday, July 28, 2012

rainy day pt ii ( water attempt)

Listening to: Out of Time - Lucy Stone

I really don't like these. But, here they are.
I know I just said I wanted to do a shoot like this, but the light was terrible because it was the end of the day, we were at a really terrible beach with all boats in the background, and my friend was photographing and - even though she's wonderful - she had no idea how to really take what I was wanting. Regardless, I figured I would post them here as an attempt, so that when I finally take the pictures I want ( and have a model in them, not me) I can look back and laugh.
 I do love my kitten umbrella

 This one looks straight out of a scary movie, what with the editing and my face


- Bella

rainy day reading

Listening to: Out of Time - Lucy Stone

Today is rainy and boring. All I wanted to do was take pictures in the ocean during the rain but nobody wanted to be a part of it so I have to wait until it rains again. If anyone is willing to be a model please let me know, it's a no-judgement thing, and I could really use a few.
Got the idea for these while laying in bed and reading...shocker.
 This one is pretty much exactly what I wanted. I just love the colors and feel of this room.

 I'm very iffy about this one. Sweater weather is lovely, but sweaters also photograph in a way that makes me shaped funny.

Heres to nicer weather or nicer people willing to do bad weather shoots.

- Bella

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

new thrift blog + field with josie

Listening to: Half of My Heart - John Mayer

So I started a new Tumblr blog recently called Thrift Shit  (click to check it out) to basically display items I've thrifted, as well as how to style and DIY certain ones. The first posts all have pictures that my friend Josie and I took specifically for that blog - however, I really love how some of them came out, and decided to put them on here, too!

 How great are these shorts we thrifted?!?! In love.

 I actually love the sun peeking from behind her arm without whiting out the photo.

 One of my favorites. 
I wanted a really natural feel for these photos, so there was no airbrushing or face/skin editing done at all.
 Had to include the edited version of this one too! It looks so much like film, I really like it.

 I find that the more I force myself to model, the more aware I am of what poses look good with my own body. It's sort of exciting!

 Really love this one for some reason. I like my birthmarks.

 This particular set of photos are my favorite of myself in a while. Thank you Josie!

 I'm a dork (:

Click HERE to go to Thrift Shit and check out the blog posts these photos were featured on!

- Bella

Monday, July 23, 2012

rainy coney island + mostly me being awkward

Listening to: Some Nights - FUN

So this is sort of a weird post, because a lot of it involves pictures of me in my bathing suit, but I still feel obligated to post it because I was surprised that Lauren was into photography and got some really good shots of me! Lauren and I planned to go to Coney Island and take pictures, despite our knowledge of the shitty weather report. Almost the minute we got there it rained, and we had to sit in the car in soaked clothing for hours while the amusement park was closed. 
When the rain finally stopped we decided to head under the pier and take some pictures. However, I feel really weird about mine, because my clothes were so wet and soggy that I just ditched them and wore my bathing suit. Even though I wear one to the beach and whatnot, it feels really odd looking at me "modeling" in it. Don't judge I guess...

Only picture we took before the rain. I really loved Lauren's outfit, and the colors against the wall.

 Unlike a lot of people who I take pictures with, Lauren actually told me how to pose and made me move my body in ways that would flatter. She has a really good eye, and so if I had to take bikini pics, I'm glad it was with her!

 Love this one

 Ah my favorite of Lauren, I love this one for so many reasons!

 Keeping her cool in freezing dirty water almost up to her knees...

 Aw this one makes me smile. So pretty!

 Have to admit, the only reason I'm wearing sneakers with a bathing suit is because they're my newly thrifted Keds and I'm completely obsessed with them.

 I do love the lighting in this one and the last one.

Hopefully Lauren and I will be going back to Coney Island before the summer ends to have a real photoshoot, but until then these will do.

- Bella