Monday, July 23, 2012

rainy coney island + mostly me being awkward

Listening to: Some Nights - FUN

So this is sort of a weird post, because a lot of it involves pictures of me in my bathing suit, but I still feel obligated to post it because I was surprised that Lauren was into photography and got some really good shots of me! Lauren and I planned to go to Coney Island and take pictures, despite our knowledge of the shitty weather report. Almost the minute we got there it rained, and we had to sit in the car in soaked clothing for hours while the amusement park was closed. 
When the rain finally stopped we decided to head under the pier and take some pictures. However, I feel really weird about mine, because my clothes were so wet and soggy that I just ditched them and wore my bathing suit. Even though I wear one to the beach and whatnot, it feels really odd looking at me "modeling" in it. Don't judge I guess...

Only picture we took before the rain. I really loved Lauren's outfit, and the colors against the wall.

 Unlike a lot of people who I take pictures with, Lauren actually told me how to pose and made me move my body in ways that would flatter. She has a really good eye, and so if I had to take bikini pics, I'm glad it was with her!

 Love this one

 Ah my favorite of Lauren, I love this one for so many reasons!

 Keeping her cool in freezing dirty water almost up to her knees...

 Aw this one makes me smile. So pretty!

 Have to admit, the only reason I'm wearing sneakers with a bathing suit is because they're my newly thrifted Keds and I'm completely obsessed with them.

 I do love the lighting in this one and the last one.

Hopefully Lauren and I will be going back to Coney Island before the summer ends to have a real photoshoot, but until then these will do.

- Bella

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